Escort XP Herbicide, 16 oz. Application Rates TELAR® XP may be applied on the the following forage grasses at the use rates shown below: 1/4 to 1 ounce per acre 1/4 to 1/2 ounce per acre * Some types of fescue are sensitive. there is. /acre), WeedMaster (48 fl oz. WEEDAR 64 BROADLEAF HERBICIDE. 0 lb ae per acre 2,4-D. 375 ounce/acre of Cimarron Plus Herbicide. Add the required amount of grassy weed tank-mix partner. 0 qt/A or 0. - CROP SCIENCE Agent Address: 700 CHESTERFIELD PARKWAY WEST Agent City, State Zip: CHESTERFIELD, MO 63017 Restricted Use: NO Method 240SL herbicide is the foundation for custom blending to control up to 56 broadleaf weeds and brush in a variety of climates, operations and regions. x 400 ft. Basal bark spraying requires applying herbicide to the bases of the stems to 12 to 15 inches above the ground. May be used at high rate (1. 7 to 5. 0 Revision Date 06/30/2015 Ref. It is recommended that the lower herbicide rates be used on seedling johnsongrass that is less than 10 inches tall. Rates less than 48 oz imazapyr product should contain appropriate tank mix combinations with glyphosate, triclopyr, sulfometuron methyl or other compatible herbicides labeled for this use, following all herbicide product label directions. Accord XRT II contains a proprietary blend of surfactants that helps deliver superior, nonselective performance of annual and perennial weeds, grasses and woody plants particularly on pine species. If site is subject to erosion, plant prairie between September 1 and October 1, with 15 lbs. 3 TRIVOLT HERBICIDE may be applied alone or in specified tank-mixes up to 21 days prior to planting. For better herbicide effectiveness, you can mix it with a non-ionic surfactant. Maximum single application rate for dicamba is 1. The age and size of the plant will also determine the rate to be applied and the herbicide’s effectiveness. Volume of herbicide or surfactant poured in the mix . If poor environmentalperformance using recommended rates and application at proper weed stage and satisfactory growing conditions . MSM Turf Herbicide from Quali-Pro is a granular herbicide containing Metsulfuron Methyl and is effective in controlling grassy and broadleaf weeds on turf. Flammability (solid, gas) : No applicable data available. Vegetation Management Product Portfoliospray mix) Biennial WeedMaster Prescott Telar Prescott Tordon + 2,4-D Tordon + 2,4-D. See General Use Precautions for note on grazing treated poisonous plants. (s300/419),00035200439. Shelf LifeThe standard rate of glyphosate is 0. per 1000 square feet. such as using a combination of tillage, retreatment, tank-mix partners and/or sequential. 32 oz. This is called triple rinsing to get all the product out of the jug. 352-439_DuPont Escort XP Herbicide_20150414_18-8_352_. For warm season grasses, you will use 0. Although there is no evidence of widescale problems with carryover injury to corn or soybean, ISUEO field agronomists have received a few reports. Spot-treatment of invasive species is an effective management approach. July 16, 2015 (PDF) 352-654. 13 The 505 ml/ac rate is to be used only once in a season and should be used pre-plant, pre-emergence or in crop early post-emergence. Therefore, the amount applied per acre or other unit is much more critical because you have no other way of controlling the dosage or rate of active ingredient. 4 ounces (2. frequency, sedimentation rates, or nutrient cycling. Use the lowest specified rate for target weeds. Use low rates for minimum effect ~chlorosis) of pasture grasses, particularly fescue. Low to moderate weed pressure High weed pressure Pylex herbicide 0. With all the above products always add non-ionic surfactant (such as Spreader 90) at 1 oz per 3 gallonsIf Alion Herbicide is to be tank mixed with liquid fertilizers, other pesticides, or additives, compatibility should be tested prior to mixing. boom and hoses. November 15, 2019 (PDF) 432-1561. Use a non-ionic surfactant at 0. Visible effects are a gradual wilting and yellowing of the plant, which advances to complete browning of above ground growth and. When applied alone or in combination with other products containing sulfometuron methyl, do not apply more than 6 ounces of active ingredient per acre per year. Do not use this product on areas where loss of broadleaf plants, including legumes, cannot be tolerated. 125 oz/acre rates to help establish new planted grass pastures; Can be used as a spot treatment; Dry flowable formulation is easy to store, handle, measure and mix; A great tank-mix product; Great legume recrop flexibility DuPont™ Escort® XP Herbicide Version 2. Any season except during heavy sap flow or when snow or water covers surface where herbicide will be applied to tree or brush. Handheld sprayer applications use 1 oz. 5 - 5g 1g - - Thistles Apply to ragwort from the rosette stage to late flowering. Good coverage is critical. 44 421. Escort (a. 1 to 1. of this product with Roundup PRO® Concentrate herbicide or Roundup PRO herbicide do not require addition of surfactant. With contact and residual control, Patriot burns down existing weeds and keeps late flushes down for four to six weeks. TELAR XP HERBICIDE. Total volume of mix . Mixing Instructions and Amounts. When you do the math that comes out to be roughly 231 ounces to 261 gallons of water at a 1. The rate of METHOD® 240SL HERBICIDE should be adjusted according to the spray volume per acre and the size and plant density of the target brush species. oz. 5 oz/acre Escort XP, 0. 15 Reviews | 34 Q&A. 0 lbs/A Aatrex and Various other formulations (See labels) @ 1. Escort XP Herbicide, this dispersible granule, post-emergent herbicide mixes in water for spray application and controls many annual. Generally occurs between 3-leaf stage and tillering. For spot treatments, mix 0. TANK MIXES: Ally® Banvel II® Basagran® Bromoxynil® Escort® Everest® Glyphosate Horizon® Lontrel® Oracle Refine Extra TNG® Sencor® Transline (industrial uses) Vanquish Tank mixes registered on either 2,4-D Amine or tank. Weeds grow quickly and make native grasses and plants compete for nutrients. DO NOT use with fertilizers having a pH of 3. Mix 2. Basal bark treatment is a woody invasive plant control method that involves spraying herbicide or herbicide mixture carried in oil onto the stems bases of target plants. rate (concentration) of 1/4% volume. Reviewed in 2021 How much herbicide you need for weed management: Calculations for herbicide application rates and calibration how-tos for sprayers and granule applicators. First Registered Date: OCTOBER 14, 2016. 0 cc. It is recommended to use 20 to 80 gallons of water at 25 to 35 psi. Use a high rate on established plants and on fine-textured soils and a lowe. Mix tank!> or nurse tanks !lohould be. 352-439 Date Submitted: May 9, 2012. immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. It can be blended with Escort XP for an even broader spectrum of brush control. Patriot® Selective Herbicide controls tough broadleaf weeds such as Russian thistle and mustards in wheat, barley, fallow, pastures and rangeland. Rates are suggested at 30-35 gallons of water per acre broadcast application. Wet foliage thoroughly using about 1 gallon of solution per square rod. No. basf. Spray this DuPont™ Escort® XP herbicide for tough control of annual weeds, perennial weeds, and woody plants in industrial non-crop areas and conifer plantations. Another advantage that metsulfuron has is that it is a selective herbicide—it will only eliminate the labeled weeds that you want gone. 18-0. This is extremely important, as low rates of ESCORT® XP can kill or severely injure most crops (except small grains). Pastora Herbicide is labeled to control sandbur aka sandspur when used as directed on the product label for post-emergent control. 0247 acre. 2-4D and homeowner 2-4D is way different and even so for us pro sprayers. 5 oz product/A (I. Allow time for complete mixing and dispersion after addition of each product. Always follow the specified mixing order on product labels. The higher rates are recommended for use on rhizome johnsongrass taller than 10 inches. /acre) were chosen as tank-mix partners since it has a lower tolerance to2. Two important factors I have learned when using herbicides on foliar applications of Kudzu is use ample water as a carrier for the herbicide – 50 to 100 gallons of water per acre is common and always use a quality surfactant when. 00 herbicide 181. Important information After mixing, test the pH of the mixture. • Tank mix ESCORT® XP with 2,4-D. Restricted use. Fertilize after final herbicide application to reduce off-color time. To make one gallon of solution, mix the product at the rate of 0. Basal bark treatments are mixed in an oil-based carrier and applied to the lower (basal) portion of the stem, from the soil line up 8 to 18 inches, depending on stem diameter (Figure 4). For example, mix 6. For reliability and versatility, nothing beats Plateau®. - Mixing with a fertilizer, as long as such a mixture is not prohibited on the labeling. Now that we have our acre-fraction, we can determine the amount of each herbicide to include in the mix. 5 ounces of 2,4-D with 1 gallon of water and spray it over 400 sq. and shake and add to tank mix. For a 3 gallon backpack: . DuPont ESCORT® Herbicide is a dispersible granule that is mixed in water and applied as a spray. Vastlan herbicide provides a solid foundation for brush control programs with the flexibility to be used in a variety of applications. DuraCor was applied at the rate of 16 fl oz. 125 to 1. low 3 qt rate of Krenite (10 %). For treatment of brush higher than 8 feet, it may be best to remove the growth through mechanical means. 5 SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES Application Rates TELAR® XP may be applied on the the following forage grasses at the use rates shown below: 1/4 to 1 ounce per acre 1/4 to 1/2 ounce per acre * Some types of fescue are sensitive. 25 oz of 2,4-D with 2. 78 to 1. Do not exceed 3/4 oz "Escort" per acre per year. 7. Follow application timing and other restrictions of tank-mix herbicide partner(s) as noted in the herbicide label. mix) in water with a surfactant at 1% solution can be used during the growing season. herbicide. Contains 600g/kg metsulfuron-methyl in the form of a soluble granule. Yield: Depending on your mix rate, one 2. Use Sites: Outdoors: Time to Kill: Targeted plants should show signs of yellowing and death within a few days. To calculate the amount needed for band application, multiply the broadcast rate by the band width divided by the row width. Homeowners most commonly use pump-up, handheld sprayers to apply glyphosate 41, and the process of mixing the product is relatively basic. Transline provides excellent residual control of many tough, Western, noxious, invasive weeds, like knapweeds and thistles, including infestations in and around pine trees. du pont de nemours and co. Learn about the benefits, application rates, tank mixes, and safety precautions of using Milestone® in various settings and. Formula 1. So, a 4-inch diameter tree would need one cut. Download Product Label. 5 oz in 1-2 gals water for 1K sq ft. Early postemergence to new plantings. The per gallon herbicide rates were calculated under the assumption that most people, when spot spraying by hand, will apply somewhere around 100 gallons/acre of the spray mixture. Basal Bark. Add any tank-mix partners that are a dry formulation. Apply at a minimum rat e (concentration) of 1/4% volume/volume (1 quart per 100 gallons of spray solution), or at the manufacturer’s recommended rate. Selective. 0 pound active ingredient per acre and no more than 2 applications per year. Tank-mix flexibility with GrazonNext® HL herbicide lets them broaden the control spectrum, or when residual weed control is desired. = 8 x 3 Lbs. Applied at low use rates; There are no haying or grazing restrictions at use rates less than 1. 4 Herbicide selection would be based on environmental conditions such as groundwater depth, soil type, non-target vegetation,. For spot applications, mix 0. Acknowledgements. metsulfuron methyl Escort XP, Patriot, MSM 60 none none 4 hours no metsulfuron-methyl + 2,4-D + dicamba Cimarron Max none, except for lactating dairy animals ( 7 days). • Tank mix ESCORT® XP with 2,4-D • Use the lowest specified rate for target weeds. Quick overview Panoramic 2SL Herbicide controls annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses such as leafy spurge and cheat grass. The recommended rates are glyphosate at 3 pounds per acre plus triclopyr at 2 pounds per acre, on an acid equivalent basis. 0 oz/ac. Download Safety Data Sheet. basf. PDF version. May injure non-target trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants if sprayed or if their roots extend into the treated area. TELAR XP HERBICIDE. Escort®XP Herbicide, which contains the active ingredient metsulfuron methyl, is a Group 2 herbicide based on the mode of action classification syst em of the Weed Scienc e Society of America. 68 Roundup at 1% l abour & equipment 240. Tank mix 1 to 2 ounces of DuPont™ ESCORT® XP per acre with VELPAR® L or VELPAR® DF at the rates specified onNufarm Weedar 64 is a selective herbicide which provides broad-spectrum control of annual, biennial, perennial broad-leaf weeds. For a better understanding of forestry herbicides to use for site preparation of pine plantations, we have compiled a table of herbicides to make it easier to know which herbicide(s) to select and rates. Shelf Life ™ Escort® XP or Telar® XP herbicide with the adjuvant ammonia in backpack sprayers Control targeted invasive noxious weeds by using Escort® XP or Telar ® XP herbicide in small, backpack sprayers. With Escort XP Herbicide weed killer, you can stop and prevent weed. Fill three-quarters of the tank with clean water and then add the desired amount of herbicide. Mix . The same rates of Escort XP (0. The most effective way to reduce this crop damage potential is to use dedicated mixing and application equipment.